Published 3/1/2016
We are excited to present to you your 2016 Prom King and Queen! Read below for details about the winners of our exciting Prom Night: A Night in the Spotlight event that finished with a bang last week!
The 2016 Port to Fort 6k Race is almost a month away! Read below to see how two Believe In Tomorrow families are having their own “virtual” race and check out our helpful fundraising tips!
A Reason to Believe
Believe Families Create
Virtual Port to Fort Race
Can’t make it to our 2016 Port to Fort 6k Race in Baltimore on April 23rd?
Learn how two Believe In Tomorrow families have banded together to create their own “virtual” Port to Fort 6k Race in Virginia! Click Here
The Results Are In!
2016 Prom Night King and Queen Crowned
We are excited to announce our 2016 Prom King and Queen! In the closest Prom Night: A Night in the Spotlight yet, it came down to the final count before we knew who our King and Queen would be. Learn who the winners were in this event that raised over $80,000 for Believe In Tomorrow children and families! Click Here
Disney On Ice Visits the
Children’s House at Johns Hopkins
Disney On Ice was in Baltimore for their Treasure Trove ice skating spectacular, but they stopped by the Children’s House at Johns Hopkins to remind our guests of the greatest magic of all! See Pictures and Video Here
Rite Aid KidCents $5,000 Grant
We asked for your help, and you delivered! Sending a big thank you to all those that enrolled in the KidCents program at Rite Aid. Given our number of new enrollees, Believe In Tomorrow was awarded a $5,000 grant! Learn more
Get Involved
Port to Fort 6k Race – Fundraising Tips
We’re incredibly grateful for the thousands of runners than turn out each year for our Port to Fort 6k Race, but what makes the event so successful is the participants that fund raise leading up to the event.
Learn how one Believe In Tomorrow family is gearing up for their 6th Port to Fort 6k Race this year, and how they have been so successful fundraising in the past – raising over $12,000 in one year! Click Here
Get Involved
P2F Volunteer
Our Port to Fort 6k Race would be impossible without the help from our generous volunteers. If you’re not participating in the race already, join in the fun as a volunteer for the day!
Learn About Volunteer Opportunities
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