We are proud to work with our incredible community partners who support our mission of helping critically ill children and their families. From sponsorships, volunteer hours, grants, financial and in-kind support, our partners give our families the hope to Believe In Tomorrow.
Legacy Partners Corporate Partners Program Partners (See Our Program Partners) Event Sponsors (See Our Event Sponsors)
Partner Spotlight
Believe In Tomorrow Partners

For over 20 years, Advance Business Systems has helped Believe In Tomorrow families through a wide array of corporate support.
From large scale corporate volunteer activities, to major corporate sponsorships, Advance is an amazing business leader known for giving back to the communities it serves. As the “technology partner” of Believe In Tomorrow, Advance has prepared the organization to seamlessly meet the complex technological needs of today in order for us to focus on our mission of serving critically ill children and their families. Advance Business Systems President Jeff Elkin serves on the Believe In Tomorrow Board of Directors.

The Amick Company, and the Amick family of Saluda County South Carolina, have been major program partners of the Believe In Tomorrow Foundation for over 21 years.
Their vision and generosity led to the building of the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House at Pinnacle Falls, just south of Asheville, North Carolina. David Amick, a former race car driver with Team Amick Motorsports, sits on the Believe In Tomorrow Board of Directors and is a founding member of the Believe In Tomorrow Hands On Racing program, which brought critically ill children to race tracks throughout the United States. David’s father, the late Bill Amick, and his mother Linda, have been significant supporters along with David, of Believe In Tomorrow’s programs.

Bell Nursery USA, is the largest wholesale nursery grower in the mid-Atlantic, producing and shipping tens of millions of plants each year to Home Depot stores throughout the East Coast of the United States.
Fortunately for Believe In Tomorrow, for the past 22 years, Bell Nursery has annually donated an abundance of beautiful plants to our hospital and respite housing facilities that brightens the gardens and the lives of the families who stay with us. Bell Nursery is also a major sponsor of our annual Believe In Tomorrow’s Port To Fort 6k Run/Walk. Gary Mangum, the former CEO and President of Bell Nursery, sits on the Believe In Tomorrow Foundation’s Board of Directors.

Bessons Landing Foundation has provided ongoing funding support to the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation for
many years. Their contributions help Believe In Tomorrow expand its programs to many more families in need of pediatric respite and hospital housing services.

More Information Coming Soon

The Dakes Company is a leading commercial painting and wall covering contractor operating throughout the Mid-Atlantic region.
When it comes to brightening the interiors and exteriors of our Believe In Tomorrow pediatric hospital and respite facilities, we are blessed to have this amazing company contribute their skills. For the past 20 years the Dakes Company has beautifully painted each of our facilities, and in doing so they have brightened the lives of thousands of Believe In Tomorrow families. Carl Dakes, the President of Dakes Contracting, is the recipient of the 2018 NASCAR Foundation’s Betty Jane France Humanitarian award, in recognition of his extraordinary volunteer efforts with Believe In Tomorrow.

With its world headquarters located in Baltimore, Maryland, DAP Corporation has provided large scale volunteer support and event participation
to help the families Believe In Tomorrow serves. As a global leader in the manufacturing of caulks, sealants and adhesives, DAP has generously donated to each of our pediatric respite and hospital facilities. Their corporate culture of giving back makes a positive impact on Believe In Tomorrow.

For over 20 years, Delaware Elevator Inc. has providing uplifting experiences and services to each of our Believe In Tomorrow facilities
that have elevators. As the nations largest independent elevator company, Delaware Elevator has donated elevators, installations, and maintenance service to help the critically ill children that we serve reach new heights, and explore and experience all that Believe In Tomorrow has to offer. Many thanks to Pete Meeks, CEO and President of Delaware Elevator for their wonderful support.

Through a significant national partnership between DirectTV and the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation, hundreds of critically ill children
and their families from throughout the Unites States received once in lifetime rides aboard the DirectTV airship blimp. The DirectTV blimp was also one of the first video messaging blimps featuring a large video display that was often used to promote the Believe In Tomorrow mission in cities throughout the country.

Edison Electric is one of the largest electrical contracting companies in Maryland, and for over 20 years they have generously contributed their electrical
contracting work to Believe In Tomorrow’s respite and hospital housing facilities. Edison has also sponsored the longest running corporate annual golf tournament in Believe In Tomorrow’s history, which for the past 24 years has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of the families that we serve. A major supporter of the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House at Johns Hopkins, Edison recently donated and coordinated a $100,000 electrical service upgrade to that facility. Edison’s owner and CEO Michael Thompson, serves on the Board of Director’s of Believe In Tomorrow.

As a major Japanese based pharmaceutical company with offices in Baltimore, Maryland, Eisai has been an important Believe In
Tomorrow Children’s House at Johns Hopkins partner for a number of years. From corporate volunteer activities and support, to event sponsorship and participation, Eisai has helped the children and families staying at the Children’s House find comfort during their stay.

Erickson Senior Living has been a primary partner to the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation mission for over 20 years.
From being the lead donor and contractor to the construction of the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House at St. Casimir, to numerus volunteer activities from both residents and staff, Erickson Senior Living has played a major role in our mission. Erickson Senior Living is one of the largest owners, managers and developers of retirement communities in the United States. Many thanks to John and Nancy Erickson for their vision and philanthropic support.

As one of America’s leading energy providers, Exelon has provided an array of support services to the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation.
From sponsoring a 20 plus year annual golf tournament to raise funds, to both large and small scale corporate volunteer activities, Exelon has brightened the lives of thousands of Believe In Tomorrow families with their commitment to making the world a better place.

For over 30 years this iconic Ocean City, Maryland restaurant has provided a variety of support to the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s
House By The Sea. From providing incredible meals to the families that we serve, to supporting fund raising events in Ocean City, Fagers Island has been an important part of our pediatric beach respite program.

Fidelity Building Services Group has been a long term sponsor of Believe In Tomorrow fund raising events that help us deliver our mission.
Many thanks to Fidelity Building Services Group.

For over 30 years, Greenebaum Enterprises and the Greenbaum family have been major partners in the mission of the Believe In Tomorrow
Children’s Foundation. A leading real estate development corporation focused on large scale commercial, residential and office properties, Greenebaum Enterprises is widely know for their many philanthropic endeavors. The late Stewart Greenebaum served on the Believe In Tomorrow Foundation’s Board of Directors, and along with his wife Marlene they were the primary benefactors to the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House at Johns Hopkins. Today, their son Michael Greenebaum, is leading the company to new heights of both commercial and philanthropic excellence. One of the largest awards given by Believe In Tomorrow each year, is the Greenebaum Family Foundation Award which recognizes individuals who exemplify the sprit of giving.

The Baltimore Hard Rock Café Restaurant has been a major provider of meals to the families staying at the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s
House at Johns Hopkins. Many thanks to the great folks at Hard Rock Café.

The Holiday Inn and Suites Oceanfront in Ocean City, Maryland has been a major program partner to our Believe In Tomorrow Children’s
House By The Sea. This wonderful Harrison Group property sits directly across from our flagship beach respite property, and for the past 20 years they have been an incredible and welcoming neighbor and partner to our Believe In Tomorrow mission. Families who stay at the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House By The Sea are able to utilize all of the amenities of the Holiday Inn Oceanfront, including the indoor and outdoor pools, game room and tennis courts that are located just steps away from our respite property. The Harrison Group has also been an ongoing fund raising and event sponsor and multi-year host to our annual Gala By The Sea. Many thanks to our friends at the Harrison Group.

Since 1990, The Home Depot Corporation has participated in the construction of each of Believe In Tomorrow’s pediatric hospital and respite facilities,
by providing funding, products and a high level of employee volunteerism. In 1996 they helped to create the annual Home Depot/Believe In Tomorrow Port To Fort 6k, which has become a signature fund raising event attracting thousands of runners and walkers each year to race around the national historic shrine of Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland. The unwavering support of Home Depot has helped to raise Believe In Tomorrow’s mission to a higher level of program excellence.

Many thanks for the very generous support and contributions of the Homer and Martha Gudelsky Family Foundation to the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s
House By The Sea. Their support of our mission has helped to make a positive and lasting difference in the lives of the families who participate in our beach respite program.

For the past 25 years, Hoopers Crab House has provided Believe In Tomorrow families who stay at our pediatric respite facilities in Ocean City
and Fenwick Island, with some of the best seafood on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Delaware. Each week families are treated to an evening aboard Hoopers Sneaky Pete’s boat, with beautiful and relaxing views of the water and delicious food. The staff and owners of Hoopers always go above and beyond to provide Believe In Tomorrow families with an extraordinary experience.

In 2007, John and Karen Talbott of Ocean Pines, Maryland, donated a beautiful waterfront townhouse to Believe In Tomorrow to be used as a pediatric respite
house for military pediatrics. John, a prominent Ocean City realtor and Army veteran, wanted the contribution to serve those U.S. military families with critically ill children, who sacrifice so much in their service to this country. With three beautiful decks overlooking the bay that feeds into the Atlantic Ocean, this extraordinary respite house is the first of its kind in the Unites States. Thanks to John and Karen, hundreds of military pediatric families have found comfort and peace at the Believe In Tomorrow House on the Bay.

Throughout the world, the name of Johns Hopkins Medicine is known for setting the highest standards of medical excellence. For the past 30 years,
the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation has been a proud partner with Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland. We operate the only pediatric residential housing facility on the grounds of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, and have worked closely with the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center to create a pediatric residential facility that accommodates some of the sickest children from throughout the United States and the world who are treated there. Johns Hopkins Medicine is a major sponsor of the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House at Johns Hopkins.

For over 50 years, Jolly Rogers Amusement Parks in Ocean City, Maryland has delighted families with their vast array of rides, water parks
and miniature golf courses. For the past 35 years Jolly Rogers has entertained and hosted Believe In Tomorrow families for what is always a cherished beach respite memory. Many thanks to Jolly Rogers Amusement Parks for their very generous contributions to the Believe In Tomorrow Beach Respite program.

For over 30 years The L&L Company has provided major support to Believe In Tomorrow hospital and respite housing programs, with a
focus on our Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House at Johns Hopkins. As a leading Mid-Atlantic floor covering company, L&L has helped bring comfort to the many families that we serve. From their contribution of floor coverings, to participation in many fund raising events including an annual golf tournament, L&L has been an essential partner in the Believe In Tomorrow mission

Liberty Mutual Insurance, one of the nations largest auto and home insurers with four Greater Baltimore offices, has supported the Believe In
Tomorrow Children’s Foundation through their “Like My Community Project,” a Facebook voting platform. Believe In Tomorrow came in first place in the Liberty Mutual Facebook contest and was awarded $35,000 by Libert Mutual. Many thanks to the Libert Mutual team for their support.

For over 10 years, this popular Canton restaurant and bar has been helping to feed the many families staying at the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s
House at Johns Hopkins. A big thanks to owners Bill Larney and Steve Litrenta for their generous support.

For over 35 years this Fortune 500 global leader of the spice industry, has supported the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation through event
sponsorship, corporate volunteerism and product donation to our facilities. Many thanks to all of the employees of McCormick & Company, Inc for their dedication to making the world a better place.

Through a significant national partnership between MetLife and the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation, hundreds of critically ill children
and their families being treated in hospitals throughout the Unites States, received once in lifetime rides aboard the MetLife Snoopy 1 and Snoopy 2 Airships. MetLife has helped Believe In Tomorrow and the families we serve soar to new levels of program excellence.

Representing 14 automotive new car brands in 31 dealerships throughout Maryland and Pennsylvania, Heritage has been a major supporter
of the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House at Johns Hopkins and the families that we serve there. From helping to fund our mission to corporate volunteerism, Heritage Mile One Auto Group has made a positive and lasting difference in the lives of the families that we serve.

Many thanks to the Morris A. Mechanic Foundation’s wonderful ongoing support of the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House By The Sea.

Based in Deep Creek, Maryland, Mountaineer Log and Siding Company is a leader in the fabrication and milling of custom log homes in the Western Maryland
and West Virgina region. Owned by Karen and Tom Meyers, Mountaineer Log and Siding has contributed the log packages for each of our amazing Deep Creek mountain respite properties. Many thanks to Karen and Tom and everyone at Mountaineer Log and Siding Company for their extraordinary support over the past 16 years.

For over 20 years this famous iconic restaurant in Canton has been helping to feed the families that stay at the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House at Johns Hopkins.
With a tradition that started in 1998 by the late founder of Nacho Mama’s, Patrick “Scunny” McCusker and his wife Jackie, Nacho Mamma’s has provided the Monday night dinner of pizza and quesadillas ever since. In addition to providing family meals, Jackie McCusker and Nacho Mamma’s have sponsored many fund raising events that support Believe In Tomorrow. Many thanks to Jackie and everyone at Nacho Mammas.

In 2018 NASCAR’s Betty Jane France Foundation awarded Believe In Tomorrow with a $100,000 grant in recognition of Carl Dakes,
a Believe In Tomorrow “super” volunteer who received the 2018 Betty Jane France Humanitarian Award. This award which was presented in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series, recognized the extraordinary volunteer efforts of Carl and his company, The Dakes Company. This is NASCARS highest award for volunteerism that reflects the NASCAR spirit of community involvement.

Based in Fond du Lac Wisconsin, Natural Stone Veneers International (NSVI) is a leading quarrying and manufacturing corporation whose
products have been used extensively to beautify Believe In Tomorrow respite houses at Deep Creek Lake in Maryland, and at the Believe In Tomorrow House at Pinnacle Falls in North Carolina. In addition to donating many tons of stone veneer for the construction of these facilities, the amazing family owned team at NSVI also contributed the installation with hundreds of manhours of contributed and highly skilled labor donated by the owners themselves! The result of those incredible contributions is that these respite properties have natural stone products that define the beauty of these facilities and make them very special places for families to relax and renew there energies. Many thanks to Jason and Joe Buechel and the entire Buechel family for their wonderful spirit of giving and volunteerism.

For over 15 years, Northern Building Restoration in Ocean City has contributed their extensive building talents and skills to our beach respite facilities.
There has not been a job too large or too small that the team at Northern has not enthusiastically and quickly managed. Many thanks to Jim, David, Mike and the entire Northern team for helping to keep our respite properties in spectacular shape.

Northrup Grumman solves the toughest problems in the space, aeronautics and defense industries. We are proud to receive event and employee
support and volunteerism form this global company based in Falls Church, Virginia.

We are incredibly proud to be a charity partner of Padova Technologies, a leader in the design, engineering, and integration of complex
computer and technology assets. For many years Padova has supported Believe In Tomorrow programs, helping us to fulfill our mission and expand our services to critically ill children and their families. Many thanks to the Padova Technologies team.

Many thanks to the wonderful team at PayPal for their ongoing support and volunteerism at the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House at Johns Hopkins.
Since 2012, the team at PayPal regularly volunteers to prepare family dinners at the Children’s House, as well as sponsors events and volunteers for family activities. PayPal has made a significant and positive difference in the lives of the families who stay in our Believe In Tomorrow hospital housing.

As one of Maryland largest volume motorcycle dealers, and a family owned business sine 1938, Pete’s Cycle is a well known name in Maryland.
Just as well known is their community involvement, and for the a number of years they have been major event and program partners and volunteers at the Children’s House By The Sea. Many thanks to John and Shelly Leach and the entire Pete’s Cycle family for your incredible support.

Through a significant national partnership between the Professional Bull Riders Association (PBR) and the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s
Foundation, thousands of critically ill children and their families being treated in hospitals throughout the Unites States received once in lifetime behind the scenes experiences to the sport of professional bull riding. With a relationship that started in 1996, Believe In Tomorrow families from New York to California enjoyed the excitement of meeting the world’s top ranked cowboys and watching them tough it out on the backs of the world’s toughest bulls. Many thanks to the PBR for bringing a high level of excitement to the lives of so many Believe In Tomorrow children.

For many years the Believe In Tomorrow Foundation has enjoyed the support and friendship of Pulte Homes, one of the nations largest homebuilders.
From group volunteer events to golf tournaments and event sponsorship, Pulte Homes has made a lasting impact and positive impact of Believe In Tomorrow and the families that we serve. Many thanks to the Pulte Homes team.

For over 30 years Howard Perlow and the Residential Title and Escrow Company have been important partners to our Believe In Tomorrow Children’s
Foundation mission. From contributing settlement services for each of our respite and hospital facilities, to supporting and sponsoring events, Howard and his team at Residential have gone above and beyond to help us accomplish our mission. Howard serves on the Believe In Tomorrow Board of Directors. Many thanks to Residential Title and Escrow.

As a co-founder of the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation, Richard E. McCready has provided an innumerable array of both personal and
professional resources that are directly responsible for our amazing success. Since 1982, Richard has been actively involved in many of the pivotal decisions and activities that have led to our current level of growth. The Richard E. McCready Foundation has helped to make a positive and lasting difference in the Believe In Tomorrow organization and the lives of countless children and families.

Many thanks to the Rite Aid Foundation for their generous and ongoing support of Believe In Tomorrow and the children and families that we serve.

Many thanks to Royal Plus, Inc. for their wonderful and ongoing support of the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House By The Sea. From event
sponsorship and participation to helping us keep our facilities in excellent shape, Royal Plus, Inc. has made a lasting and positive difference in the world that we live in.

This mega beach restaurant and concert venue located in Ocean City, Maryland, has provided an array of essential support to the Believe In Tomorrow
Children’s House By The Sea for the past 25 years. From major event sponsorship, to financial and volunteer contributions, the team at Seacrets has played a large role in the success of our pediatric beach respite program. Considered one of the largest restaurants in the United States with nineteen bars, a distillery, four concert areas, and an FM radio station on the premises, Seacrets for many years has contributed its venue for our annual end of summer Beach Bash benefit, which is attended by up to 1,000 people each year. Many thanks to owner Leighton Moore and his wife Rebecca Moore, and the entire Seacrets team, for their outstanding support of Believe In Tomorrow.

For the past 25 years, Serta, Inc., has provided the amazing gift of a perfect night’s sleep to the families that stay in all of our Believe In Tomorrow Foundation
Respite and Hospital Housing facilities. For families experiencing the often overwhelming stress of their child’s medical journey, having a good night’s rest is critical to the healing process. The very generous folks at Serta have gone above and beyond, time and again, to make sure that their mattresses are an important part of our Believe In Tomorrow mission. Serta truly is a champion of comfort and giving. Many thanks to the Serta team.

The smiles that Dr. Dan Stewart and his team at Smile Savers Dentistry create, go far beyond his thriving dental practice in Columbia, Maryland.
Since 2012, Dr, Dan, his wife Judy, along with the staff at Smile Savers Dentistry, have time and again gone above and beyond, to support Believe In Tomorrow families. From volunteering to major event sponsorships and fund raising, Smile Savers symbolizes the sprit of giving back to the community. Dr Dan is a past recipient of one of the highest Believe In Tomorrow awards, the Patrick “Scunny” McCusker Unsung Hero Award. Many thanks to Dr. Dan and Smile Savers for brightening the lives and smiles of so many Believe In Tomorrow families.

For over 25 years, Believe In Tomorrow has been a proud charity partner of Stanley Black and Decker, Stanley Security, and DeWalt Tools.
From the major contribution of an extensive security system that protects families at the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House at Johns Hopkins, to product donations, event sponsorships and employee volunteering, this global company has helped Believe In Tomorrow fulfill its mission. A very special thanks to our incredible board member Dave Pruitt, who is a senior vice president at Stanley, for his nurturing and promotion of this charity partnership. Dave is also a former recipient of the Patrick “Scunny” McCusker Unsung Hero Award, one of the highest awards annually given to incredible volunteers who make a positive and lasting difference in the lives of the families we serve.

State Farms motto, “We’ve Got You Covered,” applies just as much to their community involvement as to their insurance business. Believe In Tomorrow has
been fortunate to be the recipient of ongoing support from both State Farm’s corporate office and from numerous local community State Farm agents. Many thanks to former Believe In Tomorrow Dad and State Farm team member Kevin Lathwell, and to the many local State Farm agents, for their ongoing and very meaningful support.

SubCom is a global leader in the field of undersea fiber optics that drive the world’s undersea data transmissions. For the past 10 years, SubCom
has been a leader in supporting the families that stay at the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House at Johns Hopkins and our Believe In Tomorrow pediatric respite facilities. From volunteer to financial support, the team at SubCom has helped to make the world of the families we serve a better place. A very special thanks to SubCom Senior Port Engineer Gary Tyranski for his extraordinary efforts and support of the children that we serve. Gary is a recipient of one of Believe In Tomorrow’s highest awards, the Patrick “Scunny” McCusker Unsung Hero Award.

This famous West Ocean City Restaurant with spectacular views of Assateague Island and the Assawoman Bay has been an incredible
Believe In Tomorrow partner for many years. From donating meals to our families, to hosting special events and participating in numerous Believe In Tomorrow fund raising activities, Sunset Grille always makes a positive difference in the lives of the families that we serve. Many thanks to owner Buddy Trala and his team at Sunset Grille for being an important part of Believe In Tomorrow.

Tecta America, the leading national commercial roofing company in the U.S., has for many years been a leading corporate sponsor of Believe In Tomorrow.
From helping to keep the roofs over Believe In Tomorrow families heads in top shape, to participating in event sponsorship and contributions, Tecta America has led the way in corporate philanthropy. Mant thanks to Mark Gaulin, a Believe In Tomorrow board member and founding member of Tecta America, and to the entire Tecta team, for their exceptional support.

For many years, this global leader of the financial industry that is based in Baltimore, Maryland, has also been a major leader in volunteering and
supporting the Believe In Tomorrow House at Johns Hopkins and our Believe In Tomorrow pediatric respite housing services. From large to small ongoing volunteer efforts, to an array of employee and corporate giving support, T. Rowe Price stands out as a community leader that has made significant contributions to Believe In Tomorrow and the families that we serve. For over 15 years, T. Rowe Price Senior Production Support Manager Dave Seibert has been at the forefront of their corporate support. Dave serve’s on the Believe In Tomorrow Board of Directors and is the head of a steering committee that oversees our IT operations.

The Goddard School For Early Childhood Development in the Baltimore and Central Maryland areas, have provided significant and very meaningful
support to the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation over the past several years. A leader in the field of early childhood development, the Goddard School team’s have volunteered within the Children’s House at Johns Hopkins and provided sponsorship to numerous Believe In Tomorrow events. Many thanks to everyone that is associated with the Goddard Schools.

The Traffic Group, established in 1985, is one of the nation’s leading traffic engineering and transportation planning firms. With an international
presence, The Traffic Group employees over 85 professionals and is a Service Disabled Veteran owned company with it’s headquarters in Baltimore County, Maryland. Under the leadership of CEO and President Wes Guckert, The Traffic Group is also a leading supporter and contributor to the Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation. For the past 30 years, Wes and his team have worked to improve the quality of life of the families that we serve. Wes is a recent recipient of one of Believe In Tomorrow most prestigious awards, the Greenebaum Family Philanthropic Leadership Award. Many thanks to Wes and his wonderful team at The Traffic Group.

Since 1890, Trimper’s Rides of Ocean City, the oldest continuously family owned and operated amusement park in the world, has entertained millions
of families with their world famous amusement park. Since Believe In Tomorrow established the first beach respite program in the world in 1986, Trimper’s has been a wonderful corporate sponsor, hosting the families that we serve to enjoy the age old fun of their amusement park. Mant thanks to the entire team at Trimper’s for their wonderful support and hospitality.

As one of the nations largest health insurance companies, United Health Care is a major proponent of healthy communities. Putting their corporate vision
into practice, United Health Care has provided both large and small scale volunteer support to our Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House at Johns Hopkins and our Believe In Tomorrow Foundation. As a long term ongoing provider to our family supper program at Johns Hopkins, United Health Care has made a very positive difference in the lives of the families that we serve. Many thanks to United Health Care Senior Account Executive Bill Rogers for his extraordinary volunteer leadership and commitment to Believe In Tomorrow. Affectionatley known as “Taco Bill”, his passion for helping others has been a bright light within our Believe In Tomorrow programs.

For over 20 years, Vogt Associates and corporate owner Scott Vogt, has been an integral partner of Believe In Tomorrow and involved in virtually every
facet of our mission to serve critically ill children. From major event sponsorship, to an unprecedented level of corporate generosity, Vogt Associates is a leader in corporate philanthropy. Scott is a long term Believe In Tomorrow board member and a past recipient of one of Believe In Tomorrow’s most prestigious awards, the Patrick “Scunny” McCusker Unsung Hero Award. Many thanks to Scott and his team at Vogt Associates for making a very positive difference in the lives of Believe In Tomorrow families.

The law firm of Williams, Moore, Shockley and Harrison has a long history of service to Ocean City and the Worcester County, Maryland community.
For a number of years, Believe In Tomorrow has been extremely fortunate to be the recipient of the incredible pro bono legal work of one of the firm’s partners, Regan James Reno Smith. Regan specializes in real estate, estate planning and zoning law, and has provided invaluable advice and counsel to our Believe In Tomorrow Children’s House By The Sea and our respite expansion in the Ocean City area. Many thanks to Reagan for his extraordinary volunteerism and contributions to Believe In Tomorrow.

This popular Western Maryland Ski Resort has been a major partner to our mountain respite houses in Deep Creek, Maryland for over 20 years.
From contributions of ski lift tickets and family and outdoor entertainment throughout the year, Wisp Ski Resort has brought countless joy to the lives of every family who stays at these popular mountain respite getaways. Many thanks to the great team at Wisp Resorts for their extraordinary hospitality to Believe In Tomorrow families.

More Information Coming Soon