Third Party Event Agreement

Thank you for choosing Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation to be the beneficiary of your third party fundraising event! We consider a third party fundraiser to be any event put on by one (or many!) of our supporters that raises funds for our programs to help. Your efforts will go a long way in ensuring that we’re able to offer families the opportunity to remain together and find the strength to fight a serious illness.

Our staff will assist you in planning the event by answering any logistical questions you may have. While we cannot guarantee a staffing presence, we may be able to provide volunteers for you (on a case-by-case basis).

In order to protect both your interests and those of the organization, please agree to the terms outlined below before submitting your event idea. Should your event violate any of these guidelines, Believe In Tomorrow will not be held legally liable for any injury, damage, cost or loss that may be suffered by any person or entity arising out of or in connection with the event.

We look forward to learning more about your event!

PUBLICITY: I understand that Believe In Tomorrow must approve all promotional items with logo and/or name including advertisements, posters, press releases, etc. Please allow at least one week for a response regarding approval. Believe In Tomorrow will advertise all registered third party events on its website and social media (one post per event). All event material must clarify that Believe In Tomorrow is the beneficiary, not the sponsor of the event. Believe In Tomorrow should be given advance notice if any celebrities, political figures, corporations, or business entities will be attending or sponsoring the event.

RESPONSIBILITIES: I understand that Believe In Tomorrow cannot guarantee staffing presence, but may provide volunteers, promotional materials, t-shirts, and giveaways on a case-by-case basis. If you would like Believe In Tomorrow to acknowledge donors and supporters of your event, you must provide donor name, mailing address, gift amount/value, date, and description within a timely manner following the event.

LEGALITY: I understand that all events must comply with licenses and tax laws specific to the venue. The cost of any permits needed to host the event will be absorbed by the event host unless otherwise discussed.