OCEAN CITY, MD. – Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines President Bob Wolfing presents a $1,000 check to The Children’s House By The Sea Programs Director Mary Decker Brown after she was the guest speaker at the weekly meeting on August 9, 2023. Mary began her position in 2022 and has been with Believe In Tomorrow Children’s Foundation for six years, after working at the Baltimore Sun newspaper. The Foundation was created in 1986 to provide help for critically ill children. The Children’s House By The Sea not only helps the children, but provides all-expenses paid respite vacations for the immediate family for a week in Ocean City, MD. The current 3 locations can house 6 families every week providing the opportunity to relax, renew and make lasting memories. The Kiwanis Club supports their efforts with a contribution every year and some members volunteer to help do some maintenance or help on other needs.