OCEAN CITY, Md.- Maryland First Lady Yumi Hogan visited the Children’s House By The Sea Monday afternoon. The organization provides resources to critically ill children and families while giving them a week’s stay at the beach to enjoy some activities.
First Lady Hogan has been visiting this pediatric facility for years and engages in projects with the children. Monday’s visit she got to witness a $20,000 check go to the organization to help build a new facility, which will ultimately expand their reach of helping more children.
“Believe In Tomorrow does really wonderful things, helping children, families who can’t afford to come to the beach, but also not only see the water, but they meet other children,” First Lady Yumi Hogan said.
“The First Lady of Maryland is such a wonderful supporter of children everywhere, really, but to the Believe In the Tomorrow children she’s been kind of been a symbol of hope I believe,” Brian Morrison, Founder and CEO of Believe In Tomorrow, said.
The group “Contractors for A Cause” donated the money to the Children’s House By The Sea. They hope to have the facility open in 2023, which can be found behind their OC facility.